Publikationen aus dem Verbund
- Schoormann, Thorsten, Julien Hofer, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Software Tools for Supporting Reflection in Design Thinking Projects.“ Hawaii, USA: 2020. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schoormann_software_2020, address = {Hawaii, USA}, title = {Software {Tools} for {Supporting} {Reflection} in {Design} {Thinking} {Projects}}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Hawaii} {Conference} on {Systems} {Science} ({HICSS})}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Hofer, Julien and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2020} }
- Kloock-Schreiber, Daniel, Lukas Domarkas, Paul Christoph Gembarski, and Roland Lachmayer. „Enrichment of geometric cad models for service configuration.“ 2019. 22–29.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{kloock2019enrichment, adress={Hamburg, Germany}, title={Enrichment of Geometric CAD Models for Service Configuration}, author={Kloock-Schreiber, Daniel and Domarkas, Lukas and Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Lachmayer, Roland}, booktitle={21th International Configuration Workshop}, pages={22--29}, year={2019} }
Hagen, Simon, Jonas Brinker, Paul Christoph Gembarski, Roland Lachmayer, and Oliver Thomas. „Integration von smarten produkten und dienstleistungen im iot-zeitalter: ein graph-basierter entwicklungsansatz.“ Hmd praxis der wirtschaftsinformatik (2019).
[Bibtex]@Article{Hagen2019, author="Hagen, Simon and Brinker, Jonas and Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Lachmayer, Roland and Thomas, Oliver", title="Integration von Smarten Produkten und Dienstleistungen im IoT-Zeitalter: Ein Graph-basierter Entwicklungsansatz", journal="HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik", year="2019", month="Nov", day="01", abstract="Die derzeit in Wissenschaft und Praxis gef{\"u}hrte Debatte um nachhaltige und nutzenstiftende IoT-basierte Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle fokussiert h{\"a}ufig ausschlie{\ss}lich die technisch-physischen Komponenten des Leistungssystems. Ihrer Natur und dem Kundenbed{\"u}rfnis entsprechend bestehen diese Leistungsb{\"u}ndel jedoch aus zwei Teilen: (Vernetzten) Produkten und (digitalen) Dienstleistungen, welche nur integriert Mehrwerte f{\"u}r Anbieter und Kunden stiften. Die Ausstattung von Sachg{\"u}tern mit Sensorik und deren Vernetzung auf physischer Ebene ist dabei elementar, die reine M{\"o}glichkeit zur Aufnahme der Datens{\"a}tze ist jedoch nicht direkt nutzenstiftend. Dies wird erst durch die Auswertung der Daten mittels geeigneter Analyseverfahren und dem daraus abgeleiteten Umgang mit der Situation erreicht, wie es derzeit unter dem Begriff „Predictive Maintenance`` h{\"a}ufig als Beispiel angef{\"u}hrt wird. Die Abbildung und Entwicklung solcher integrierten Angebote bringt aufgrund der zu integrierenden Disziplinen und der Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Elementen umfangreiche Herausforderungen mit sich, f{\"u}r die bisher keine hinreichenden Integrationsans{\"a}tze bestehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag adressiert die fehlende Verkn{\"u}pfung der beiden Teile und konzipiert daf{\"u}r einen auf Graphen beruhenden Ansatz zur Zusammenf{\"u}hrung von vernetzten Produkten und Dienstleistungen und zeigt die Funktionsf{\"a}higkeit mit Hilfe eines Prototyps auf. Dieser erlaubt die {\"U}berf{\"u}hrung von Produkten und Dienstleistungsprozessen in Graph-basierte Datenbanken und erm{\"o}glicht eine direkte Verkn{\"u}pfung der Elemente, um integrierte Produkt-Dienstleistungs-Systeme ausf{\"u}hrbar darzustellen. Im Ergebnis werden Handlungsstrategien f{\"u}r die integrierte Entwicklung nachhaltiger IoT-basierter Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle vorgestellt und die Dimensionen einer Ausrichtung von Entwicklungs- und Integrationsaktivit{\"a}ten aufgezeigt.", issn="2198-2775", doi="10.1365/s40702-019-00569-8", url="" }
- Schoormann, Thorsten, Kristin Kutzner, Sebastian Pape, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Elevating Social Sustainability in Business Processes: A Pattern-Based Approach.“ Munich, Germany: Aisel, 2019. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schoormann_elevating_2019, address = {Munich, Germany}, title = {Elevating {Social} {Sustainability} in {Business} {Processes}: {A} {Pattern}-{Based} {Approach}}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ICIS})}, publisher = {AISeL}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Kutzner, Kristin and Pape, Sebastian and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2019} }
- Hüer, Lucas, Nico Stadie, Simon Hagen, Oliver Thomas, and Hans-Jürgen Pfisterer. „Der co2-kompass: konzeption und entwicklung eines tools zur emissionsarmen stromnutzung.“ Eds. David, K., K. Geihs, M. Lange, and G. Stumme. Bonn: 2019. 559-570.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bibkey433, Author = {Hüer, Lucas and Stadie, Nico and Hagen, Simon and Thomas, Oliver and Pfisterer, Hans-Jürgen}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Der CO2-Kompass: Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Tools zur emissionsarmen Stromnutzung}, Booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft}, Editor = {David, K. and Geihs, K. and Lange, M. and Stumme, G.},Address = {Bonn}, Month = {26. September 2019}, Pages = {559-570} }
- Vogel, Jannis, Simon Hagen, and Oliver Thomas. „Discovering blockchain for sustainable product-service systems to enhance the circular economy.“ Siegen, Germany: 2019. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bibkey420, Author = {Vogel, Jannis and Hagen, Simon and Thomas, Oliver}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Discovering Blockchain for Sustainable Product-Service Systems to enhance the Circular Economy}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019)}, Address = {Siegen, Germany}, Month = {24.-27. Februar} }
- Kammler, Friedemann, Simon Hagen, Jonas Brinker, and Oliver Thomas. „LEVERAGING THE VALUE OF DATA- DRIVEN SERVICE SYSTEMS IN MANUFACTURING : A GRAPH-BASED APPROACH.“ Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden: 2019. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{kammler_leveraging_2019, address = {Stockholm \& Uppsala, Sweden}, title = {{LEVERAGING} {THE} {VALUE} {OF} {DATA}- {DRIVEN} {SERVICE} {SYSTEMS} {IN} {MANUFACTURING} : {A} {GRAPH}-{BASED} {APPROACH}}, isbn = {978-1-73363-250-8}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th {European} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ECIS})}, author = {Kammler, Friedemann and Hagen, Simon and Brinker, Jonas and Thomas, Oliver}, year = {2019} }
- Hagen, Simon and Oliver Thomas. „Expectations vs. Reality – Benefits of Smart Services in the Field of Tension between Industry and Science.“ Eds. Ludwig, Thomas and Volkmar Pipek. Siegen, Germany: 2019. 647–660.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{Hagen_WI_2019, abstract = {The term “Smart Service” gains increased interest in science and practice since it promises to significantly improve a company's value offering. However, its publicity might lead to overdrawn expectations, especially between practitioners and scientists working in this field. Therefore, we conduct a mixed-method study comparing the expected benefits of Smart Services in science and industry to help identify and close occurring gaps. The study consists of a literature review for the scientific point of view and a survey among practitioners to capture the benefits of Smart Services in both groups. The results predominantly reveal the same vision of both groups for Smart Services, but indicate slight but fundamental differences.}, address = {Siegen, Germany}, author = {Hagen, Simon and Thomas, Oliver}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik}, editor = {Ludwig, Thomas and Pipek, Volkmar}, pages = {647--660}, title = {{Expectations vs. Reality – Benefits of Smart Services in the Field of Tension between Industry and Science}}, year = {2019} }
- Stadtländer, Maren, Thorsten Schoormann, and Ralf Knackstedt. „How Software Promotes the Integration of Sustainability in Business Process Management.“ Siegen, Germany: 2019. 1942–1953.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{stadtlander_how_2019, address = {Siegen, Germany}, title = {How {Software} {Promotes} the {Integration} of {Sustainability} in {Business} {Process} {Management}}, abstract = {Business research and practice increasingly focus on integrating sustainability in organizations. To contribute to rising challenges related to the society and the environment, sustainability-driven concepts (e.g., environmental-friendly) have to be implemented in the daily business routines, and thus, need to be considered during the design of business processes in any organization. In this study, we conceptualize the field of Green Business Process Management (BPM) and use the derived concepts to classify supporting modelling tools and concrete software features. While our study indicates a lack of realization of the ecological and social sustainability in particular and a gap in supporting users during the redesign phase, there are software features that can potentially serve as a starting point to further incorporate sustainability in the design, implementation, and controlling of business processes.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th {Wirtschaftsinformatik} ({WI})}, author = {Stadtländer, Maren and Schoormann, Thorsten and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2019}, pages = {1942--1953} }
Szopinski, Daniel, Thorsten Schoormann, Thomas John, Ralf Knackstedt, and Dennis Kundisch. „Software tools for business model innovation: current state and future challenges.“ Electronic markets (2019).
[Bibtex]@article{szopinski_software_2019, title = {Software tools for business model innovation: current state and future challenges}, issn = {1422-8890}, shorttitle = {Software tools for business model innovation}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s12525-018-0326-1}, abstract = {Software tools for business model development hold great promise for supporting business model innovation, but nonetheless, virtually no design-relevant knowledge exists concerning the functions that such tools should possess. As a result, practitioners lack guidance for choosing software tools, and researchers lack a foundation for advancing knowledge on these tools in a cumulative way. To address these issues, we synthesize knowledge from research on software tools for business model development and adjacent fields with the results of an analysis of 24 software tools from practice. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide a comprehensive taxonomy that identifies 43 characteristic functions of software-based business model development tools. Second, we provide a classification of existing software tools for the taxonomy and, on this basis, third, we derive an agenda for future research. We thus support practitioners’ decision making on tool (re-)design and investment, and provide the foundation for a cumulative stream of research on software tools for business model development.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2019-01-31}, journal = {Electronic Markets}, author = {Szopinski, Daniel and Schoormann, Thorsten and John, Thomas and Knackstedt, Ralf and Kundisch, Dennis}, month = jan, year = {2019}, keywords = {Taxonomy, Research agenda, Business model, O3, Business model innovation, Business model development tool, L86, M15} }
Hofer, Julien, Thorsten Schoormann, Jonas Kortum, and Ralf Knackstedt. „„Ich weiß was ihr letzte Sitzung getan habt“ – Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Softwarewerkzeuges zur Dokumentation von Design Thinking-Projekten.“ Hmd praxis der wirtschaftsinformatik (2019).
[Bibtex]@article{hofer_ich_2019, title = {„{Ich} weiß was ihr letzte {Sitzung} getan habt“ – {Entwicklung} und {Anwendung} eines {Softwarewerkzeuges} zur {Dokumentation} von {Design} {Thinking}-{Projekten}}, issn = {2198-2775}, url = {}, doi = {10.1365/s40702-018-00480-8}, abstract = {Creativity has become a fundamental issue for companies and organizations in order to design novel products and services or innovative business models, which aim to ensure sustainable competitive advantages. To promote creativity, collaborative and iterative procedure models such as the widely-applied Design Thinking can be used. While a numerous of (practical) approaches, research and academic literature deals with guidelines for the process and for a suitable selection of methods, only limited approaches focus on the documentation of such projects. Although documentation contributes to different aspects such as the standardization of a project, the reflection of existing results and the communication of design decisions, it has been observed in various projects that the continuous documentation of iterative solutions poses challenges for the interdisciplinary teams. Therefore, this article explores potential of IT-based tools that support collaborative documentation of design thinking projects. To do so, requirements based on literature, interviews and existing project documentations are derived, and then prototypically implemented and demonstrated in form of a software artifact. Overall, the findings can be used, for example, for the further development of existing tools that support the documentation of creative and collaborative processes or provide impulses for documentation tools from other areas such as software development. Moreover, the software prototype can already be used to support design thinking projects.}, language = {de}, urldate = {2019-01-22}, journal = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, author = {Hofer, Julien and Schoormann, Thorsten and Kortum, Jonas and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Documentation, Collaborative Creativity, Design Thinking, Dokumentation, Kollaborative Kreativität, Softwareunterstützung, Tool-support} }
- Schreiber, Daniel, Paul Christoph Gembarski, and Roland Lachmayer. „Developing a constraint-based soulution space for product-service systems.“ 2018. 240–249.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schreiber2018developing, adress={Novi Sad, Serbia}, title={Developing a Constraint-Based Soulution Space for Product-Service Systems}, author={Schreiber, Daniel and Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Lachmayer, Roland}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization - Community of Europe (MCP-CE 2018)}, pages={240--249}, year={2018} }
- Gembarski, Paul Christoph, Daniel Schreiber, Thorsten Schoormann, Ralf Knackstedt, and Roland Lachmayer. „“Are we talking about the same thing?” Analyzing Effects of Mass Customization and Product-Service Systems on Sustainability.“ Novid Sad, Serbia: 2018. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{gembarski_are_2018, address = {Novid Sad, Serbia}, title = {“{Are} we talking about the same thing?” {Analyzing} {Effects} of {Mass} {Customization} and {Product}-{Service} {Systems} on {Sustainability}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Mass} {Customization} and {Personalization} ({MCP}-{CE})}, author = {Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Schreiber, Daniel and Schoormann, Thorsten and Knackstedt, Ralf and Lachmayer, Roland}, year = {2018} }
- Schoormann, Thorsten, Dennis Behrens, and Ralf Knackstedt. „The Noblest Way to Learn Wisdom is by Reflection: Designing Software Tools for Reflecting Sustainability in Business Models.“ San Francisco, USA: Aisel, 2018. 1–17.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schoormann_noblest_2018, address = {San Francisco, USA}, title = {The {Noblest} {Way} to {Learn} {Wisdom} is by {Reflection}: {Designing} {Software} {Tools} for {Reflecting} {Sustainability} in {Business} {Models}}, shorttitle = {The {Noblest} {Way} to {Learn} {Wisdom} is by {Reflection}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ICIS})}, publisher = {AISeL}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Behrens, Dennis and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2018}, pages = {1--17}, file = {AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) - ICIS 2018 Proceedings\: The Noblest Way to Learn Wisdom is by Reflection\: Designing Software Tools for Reflecting Sustainability in Business Models:C\:\\Users\\schoormann\\Zotero\\storage\\KDCWY7MS\\7.html:text/html} }
- Hagen, Simon, Thorsten Schoormann, Sven Jannaber, Ralf Knackstedt, and Oliver Thomas. „Towards an Integrated Approach for Modelling Product- Service Systems: Status Quo and Future Challenges.“ Eds. Czarnecki, Christian, Carsten Brockmann, Eldar Sultanow, Agnes Koschmider, and Annika Selzer. Bonn, Deutschland: Gesellschaft für informatik e.v. (gi), 2018. 59–71.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Hagen2018, address = {Bonn, Deutschland}, author = {Hagen, Simon and Schoormann, Thorsten and Jannaber, Sven and Knackstedt, Ralf and Thomas, Oliver}, booktitle = {Workshops der INFORMATIK 2018 (LNI)}, edition = {P-285}, editor = {Czarnecki, Christian and Brockmann, Carsten and Sultanow, Eldar and Koschmider, Agnes and Selzer, Annika}, isbn = {978-3-88579-679-4}, keywords = {conceptual modelling,method engineering,product-service systems}, pages = {59--71}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V. (GI)}, title = {{Towards an Integrated Approach for Modelling Product- Service Systems: Status Quo and Future Challenges}}, year = {2018} }
Schoormann, Thorsten, Anna Kaufhold, Dennis Behrens, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Towards a typology of approaches for sustainability-oriented business model evaluation.“ Eds. Abramowicz, Witold and Adrian Paschke. Cham: Springer international publishing, 2018. 58–70.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{schoormann_kaufhold_behrens_2018, author = "Thorsten Schoormann and Anna Kaufhold and Dennis Behrens and Ralf Knackstedt", editor = "Witold Abramowicz and Adrian Paschke", title = "Towards a Typology of Approaches for Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Evaluation", booktitle = "Business Information Systems", year = "2018", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", address = "Cham", pages = "58--70", abstract = "While numerous studies related to business models are dealing with understanding and representing businesses, limited research focus on the evaluation aspect. However, due to the highly dynamic environment, changing availability of resources and booming digitalization, the evaluation of such models and alternatives is an essential task. Analysing, evaluating and innovating businesses is a multidimensional issue, which poses challenges that need to be facilitated. Thus, in this study, we aim to explore approaches and criteria for sustainability-oriented business model evaluation. Based on an extensive literature review, we obtained 50 articles and determined more than 40 different evaluation methods.", isbn = "978-3-319-93931-5", doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-93931-5_5" }
Hüer, Lucas, Simon Hagen, Oliver Thomas, and Hans-Jürgen Pfisterer. „Impacts of product-service systems on sustainability – a structured literature review.“ Procedia cirp 73 (2018): 228-234.
[Bibtex]@article{HUER2018228, title = "Impacts of Product-Service Systems on Sustainability – A structured Literature Review", journal = "Procedia CIRP", volume = "73", pages = "228 - 234", year = "2018", note = "10th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, IPS2 2018, 29-31 May 2018, Linköping, Sweden", issn = "2212-8271", doi = "10.1016/j.procir.2018.04.014", url = "", author = "Lucas Hüer and Simon Hagen and Oliver Thomas and Hans-Jürgen Pfisterer", keywords = "Environmental Impact, Literature Review, Product-Service System, PSS, PSS-Characteristics, Sustainability, Literature Review" }
- Hagen, Simon, Sven Jannaber, and Oliver Thomas. „Towards practical applicability of Service Engineering: A literature review as starting point for SE method design.“ 9th international workshop on enterprise modeling and information systems architectures (emisa) 2097 (2018): 90–94.
[Bibtex]@article{hagen_jannaber_thomas_2018, author = {Hagen, Simon and Jannaber, Sven and Thomas, Oliver}, issn = {1613-0073}, journal = {9th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA)}, number = {2097}, pages = {90--94}, title = {{Towards practical applicability of Service Engineering: A literature review as starting point for SE method design}}, url = {{\#}paper16}, year = {2018} }
- Kutzner, Kristin, Thorsten Schoormann, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Digital Transformation in Information Systems Research: A Taxonomy-based Approach to Stucutre the Field.“ Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (2018).
[Bibtex]@article{kutzner_digital_2018, address = {Portsmouth, UK}, title = {Digital {Transformation} in {Information} {Systems} {Research}: {A} {Taxonomy}-based {Approach} to {Stucutre} the {Field}}, journal = {Proceedings of the {European} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ECIS})}, author = {Kutzner, Kristin and Schoormann, Thorsten and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2018} }
- Schoormann, Thorsten, Dennis Behrens, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Design Principles for Leveraging Sustainability in Business Modelling Tools.“ Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (2018).
[Bibtex]@article{schoormann_design_2018, address = {Portsmouth, UK}, title = {Design {Principles} for {Leveraging} {Sustainability} in {Business} {Modelling} {Tools}}, language = {en}, journal = {Proceedings of the {European} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ECIS})}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Behrens, Dennis and Knackstedt, Ralf}, year = {2018} }
Hagen, Simon, Friedemann Kammler, and Oliver Thomas. „Adapting Product-Service System Methods for the Digital Era: Requirements for Smart PSS Engineering.“ Customization 4.0: proceedings of the 9th world mass customization & personalization conference (2018): 87–99.
[Bibtex]@article{Hagen_Kammler_2018, address = {Aachen, Germany}, author = {Hagen, Simon and Kammler, Friedemann and Thomas, Oliver}, journal = {Customization 4.0: Proceedings of the 9th World Mass Customization {\&} Personalization Conference}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-77556-2_6}, editor = {Hankammer, Stephan and Nielsen, Kjield and Piller, Frank T. and Schuh, G{\"{u}}nther and Wang, Ning}, pages = {87--99}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing AG}, title = {{Adapting Product-Service System Methods for the Digital Era: Requirements for Smart PSS Engineering}}, url = {{\_}6}, doi "10.1007/978-3-319-77556-2_6", year = {2018} }
- Hagen, Simon, Thorsten Schoormann, Sven Jannaber, Ralf Knackstedt, and Oliver Thomas. „Modelling Product-Service Systems : An Empirical Analysis of Requirements From a Process-oriented Perspective.“ Multikonferenz wirtschaftsinformatik (mkwi) 2018 (2018): 1485–1496.
[Bibtex]@article{Hagen2018, address = {L{\"{u}}neburg}, author = {Hagen, Simon and Schoormann, Thorsten and Jannaber, Sven and Knackstedt, Ralf and Thomas, Oliver}, journal = {Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018}, edition = {1}, editor = {Drews, Paul and Funk, Burkhardt and Niemeyer, Peter and Xie, Lin}, isbn = {978-3-935786-72-0}, keywords = {modelling,process modelling language,product-service system}, pages = {1485--1496}, publisher = {Leuphana Universit{\"{a}}t L{\"{u}}neburg, Institut f{\"{u}}r Wirtschaftsinformatik}, title = {{Modelling Product-Service Systems : An Empirical Analysis of Requirements From a Process-oriented Perspective}}, url = {{\_}126.pdf}, year = {2018} }
- Schoormann, Thorsten, Dennis Behrens, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Carsharing Geschäftsmodelle – Entwicklung eines bausteinbasierten Modellierungsansatzes.“ (2017): 303–325.
[Bibtex]@article{schoormann_carsharing_2017, address = {Wiesbaden}, title = {Carsharing {Geschäftsmodelle} – {Entwicklung} eines bausteinbasierten {Modellierungsansatzes}}, isbn = {978-3-658-16261-0}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Smart {Service} {Engineering}}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Behrens, Dennis and Knackstedt, Ralf}, editor = {Thomas, Oliver and Nüttgens, Markus and Fellmann, Michael}, year = {2017}, pages = {303--325} }
- Schoormann, Thorsten, Dennis Behrens, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Sustainability in Business Process Models: A Taxonomy-Driven Approach to Synthesize Knowledge and Structure the Field.“ Seoul, Korea: 2017. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schoormann_sustainability_2017, address = {Seoul, Korea}, title = {Sustainability in {Business} {Process} {Models}: {A} {Taxonomy}-{Driven} {Approach} to {Synthesize} {Knowledge} and {Structure} the {Field}}, shorttitle = {Sustainability in {Business} {Process} {Models}}, abstract = {Sustainability has become increasingly important to business research and practice. Approaches that support fundamental changes in behavior to act ecologically, economically and socially are required. Business process modelling can contribute to this by improving organizational structures. However, prior research (e.g., Green IS/BPM) often tends to focus on ecological aspects while social ones are neglected. Due to the growing popularity of sustainability and the heterogeneous ways in which it is considered, an overview of sustainable process modelling is necessary. This research-in-progress study consolidates prior research to determine the status quo and potential for further research. We use a methodology consisting of a rigorous literature review (1,461 articles) and a taxonomy-driven approach to structure our findings. Our contribution is (1) a taxonomy of sustainability in process models, (2) a verification of current deficits (e.g., social sustainability), and (3) potential solutions (developing social patterns; considering theories such as planned behavior, self-efficacy, and attribution).}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ICIS})}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Behrens, Dennis and Knackstedt, Ralf}, month = dec, year = {2017} }
Schoormann, Thorsten, Dennis Behrens, Ulrich Heid, and Ralf Knackstedt. „Semi-automatic Development of Modelling Techniques with Computational Linguistics Methods – A Procedure Model and Its Application.“ Ed. Abramowicz, Wtold. Poznan, Poland: Springer international publishing, 2017. 194–206.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schoormann_semi-automatic_2017, address = {Poznan, Poland}, title = {Semi-automatic {Development} of {Modelling} {Techniques} with {Computational} {Linguistics} {Methods} – {A} {Procedure} {Model} and {Its} {Application}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-59336-4}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Business {Information} {Systems}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Schoormann, Thorsten and Behrens, Dennis and Heid, Ulrich and Knackstedt, Ralf}, editor = {Abramowicz, Wtold}, year = {2017}, pages = {194--206} }
- Schreiber, Daniel, Paul Christoph Gembarski, and Roland Lachmayer. „Datamodels for PSS Development and Configuration: Existing Approaches and Future Research.“ Aachen, Germany: 2017. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schreiber_datamodels_2017, address = {Aachen, Germany}, title = {Datamodels for {PSS} {Development} and {Configuration}: {Existing} {Approaches} and {Future} {Research}}, abstract = {Product-Service Systems (hereinafter referred as PSS) are a hybrid combination of products and services. They are problem orientated solutions which address the individual needs of customers. To fulfill these individual needs a customer-centric development of PSS is necessary. Therefore, a customizable product is essential, which can be designed with parametric and knowledge based models. One of the biggest advantages of a PSS is at the same time one of the biggest challenges: addressing current requirements of customers during the life-cycle. This results in the need of modifying the product during its use. In view of the existing hardware an arbitrary modification is in contrast to product development not possible, which calls for refinement and adaption design. In this paper the idea of a variable product model - parametric during the development and case and rule based during the life-cycle - is discussed, to show the advantages and assign different models to the phases of the life-cycle.}, author = {Schreiber, Daniel and Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Lachmayer, Roland}, month = nov, year = {2017} }
- Schreiber, Daniel, Paul Christoph Gembarski, and Roland Lachmayer. „Modeling and configuration for Product-Service Systems: State of the art and future research.“ Paris, France: 2017. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{schreiber_modeling_2017, address = {Paris, France}, title = {Modeling and configuration for {Product}-{Service} {Systems}: {State} of the art and future research}, isbn = {978-2-9516606-2-5}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {International} {Configuration} {Workshop} ({CWS} 2017)}, author = {Schreiber, Daniel and Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Lachmayer, Roland}, month = sep, year = {2017} }
- Gembarski, Paul Christoph, Thorsten Schoormann, Daniel Schreiber, Ralf Knackstedt, and Roland Lachmayer. „Effects of Mass Customization on Sustainability – A Literature-based Analysis.“ Aachen, Germany: 2017. .
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{gembarski_effects_2017, address = {Aachen, Germany}, title = {Effects of {Mass} {Customization} on {Sustainability} - {A} {Literature}-based {Analysis}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th {World} {Conference} on {Mass} {Customization}, {Personalization} and {Co}-{Creation} ({MCPC} 2017)}, author = {Gembarski, Paul Christoph and Schoormann, Thorsten and Schreiber, Daniel and Knackstedt, Ralf and Lachmayer, Roland}, month = nov, year = {2017} }
Related Work
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[Bibtex]@incollection{thomas_smart_2015, title = {Smart {Services}: {Geschäftsmodellinnovation} durch 3D-{Druck}}, volume = {6, 2015}, booktitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik \& {Management}}, author = {Thomas, O. and Kammler, F. and Sossna, D.}, year = {2015}, pages = {18--29} }